Adding a Motor Encoder to your Project!

I found a motor controller on a powermax II stepper motor and decided to try to see how it works. Took some playing around but after finding some wiring bugs it works really well – I made a python script to run through a test of 150 motor movements – with no lost pulses!

This project is neat as it brings together many elements:

  • Stepper motor
  • Stepper motor driver
  • Motor encoder
  • Quadrature decoder
  • Arduino loaded with GRBL2Arduino
  • GRBL/g-code
  • Python script to send g-code to the Arduino
  • ‘8051 microcontroller (C8051F410 Silicon Labs)
  • 7-segment displays to display quadrature decoder counter value
  • ‘8051 assembly code
  • MCP23017 IO expander Chips
  • I2C communication

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